The spark for this facilitated exploration

Hello! My name is Anna-Marie Swan. I live in Devon, UK, on the edge of the wilds of Dartmoor and the Jurassic Coast. Now in my mid-fourties, I find myself exploring the nature of myself, the nature of being human, in a new way: that of being an ecological being, arranged and re-arranged within and through relationship.

Intricately intertwined into my exploration of being human as being ecological is my history and my present as someone navigating complex and chronic health issues (for coming up to 30 years).

I love following new breadcrumbs, and one of those breadcrumbs that has sparked off so many fascinations about myself as ecological and as someone with chronic, complex health issues is this article (shared with me by a friend): 12 Steps to Inner Rewilding by Thomas Klaffke in his substack, Creative Destruction.

I really, really want to explore what inner rewilding could mean for my sense of self as ecological and my experience of my health issues. However, I really don’t want to explore this alone. I think it’ll be a much richer exploration if it’s explored within relationship and explored relationally.

Hence, this facilitated journey.

About my work

I describe my work as being that of an organisational ecologist and embodied facilitator. I’m the author of the story of ecological organisations, and the accompanying EO Framework. I write about my work and other things in the substack Cellular Rearranging and host and produce the podcast Generative Worlding.

I initiated the first season of Facilitation Pods, now continuing as a commons under co-stewardship. In the pods, we are co-crafting an intimate space for self- and shared-enquiry about facilitation and how we change and are changed by the role, a space that's also become a peer supervision investigating our experiences. (Some reflections from the participants of the first season of the pods are at the bottom of the page.)

I’m also the founder of the Patreon-hosted Ecological Organisations Constellation. Here, we gather around the story of ecological organisations and look to mature it, ground it, evolve our understanding of it and relationship with it, and bring those learnings into wider commons.

(Read more about my approach to embodied facilitation here, connect with me on LinkedIn here).

The facilitated exploration details

Facilitated by: me 🙂

Sessions: 6 x 1.5 hr sessions to run in April and May (days and times to be decided by the group).

Group size: 3 to 5 participants (to ensure diversity of experience and perspective but ensure intimacy.)

Cost: Donation-based, to cover time and care spent organising and facilitating (donation-based because those of us with health issues are often in the most financially-tough positions). The donation payment will be due once a group has formed and a day and time for the 6 sessions has been confirmed.

Sessions will be held: online, by Zoom

Dominant spoken and written language: English